Roasted Roots Salad

Dinner inspiration! Roasted roots salad✨

So simple, hearty, healthy and delicious!


Roasted Goodies

•1 kumara/sweet potato (I used purple here, but orange would work well too!)

•1 small onion

•1 beet

•1 carrot

•1 can chickpeas, or 1 1/2 cups cooked from dried

•handful of pumpkin seeds

Tahini Dressing

•2 tbs tahini

•2 tsp maple syrup

•1 tsp lemon juice

•hot water if needed

Salad Goodies

•Mixed greens for salad

•Cashews for topping


Preheat oven to 425F/220C.

Cube your kumara, onion, beet, and slice your carrot. Place in roasting pan with the chickpeas (save the pumpkin seeds for later!) and drizzle in a bit of oil and salt and pepper.

Roast for 20 minutes. At 20 minutes, sprinkle your handful of pumpkin seeds onto the baking sheet and roast it all for an additional 10 minutes.

While roasting, make your simple and easy dressing. In a small bowl add your tahini, maple syrup, and lemon juice. Mix with a fork until combined. If too thick and not saucy enough, add  TINY splashes of hot water until it’s the consistency you want. Be careful! It’s hard to make it thicker if you add too much water. Taste - if you prefer sweeter add a bit more maple syrup. When mixed set aside.

Once done roasting, take out and let cool for 5-10 minutes to avoid wilting your greens.

Once lightly cooled, place over bed of lettuce, drizzle your tahini dressing and sprinkle your cashews. Done!


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