Omelette Taco

Easiest and fastest meal ever! After we discovered how yummy and quick this dish was, we’ve made it several times a week for weeks now. Good for breakfast, lunch, or dinner!

Omelette Taco


•2 eggs

•salt and pepper, to taste

•smoked paprika, couple dashes

•oil for sautéing

•1/4 cup grated cheese

•large tortilla

•handful spinach, diced

•1/2 onion, diced

•hot sauce, optional


Sauté onion and spinach. In separate bowl, mix eggs with salt, pepper, and smoked paprika. When the onion and spinach are starting to get soft, pour egg mixture over top, swirling the pan to achieve an even coating.

Flip once and grate cheese on cooked side of omelette. Place tortilla on top of grated cheese. The melting cheese acts as a yummy glue.

When second omelette side is cooked, flip once more to toast tortilla. Once toasted, pull off pan, sprinkle some hot sauce on inside and eat as a taco!


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